RejuvaPen™: A Deeper Look into Micro-Needling Anti-Aging Treatment
Have you ever considered what it would be like to get rid of your scars, wrinkles and stretch marks? Have you yearned for smooth, youthful skin? Look no more! The RejuvaPen™ micro-needling, anti-aging treatment may be the solution you have been searching for!
How Does Micro-Needling with RejuvaPen™ Work?
The RejuvaPen™ is a non-surgical treatment that prompts your skin to stimulate collagen production and fresh, new tissue. Micro-needles, precisely spaced in a cartridge, create invisible, vertical micro perforations into the top layers of your skin. As a result, your skin’s natural repair mechanism goes into overdrive and starts producing collagen and elastin. This procedure will utilize the self-repairing property of your skin, giving you a fully natural form of skin renewal.
What Results Should I Expect?
Adjustable needle lengths will allow for customized treatments ranging from skin freshening to deep scar repair anywhere on your body. This treatment will lift, tighten, and rejuvenate your skin, visibly reducing your fine lines and wrinkles, and the overall health and circulation of your skin will see significant improvement.
The RejuvaPen™ micro-needling treatment will reverse the signs of sun damage, improve the appearance of acne scars, stretch marks, spider veins, and hyperpigmentation. Your pores will be visibly smaller. You can use this skin treatment on any part of your body, including your face, neck, arms, and legs.
After your initial treatment, you will notice that your skin has a healthy pink glow with diminished fine lines. Skin naturally takes about four weeks to create new collagen, but it will take about four months for you to observe the full effect of RejuvaPen™ treatment. It is recommended to have four treatments, spaced at least two weeks apart.
Are You Ready for Beautiful Skin?
Contact us at the CWC Medical Spa today! We strive to offer you the best services available in a relaxing and inviting environment. We are committed to excellence and the overall well-being of our patients. We are here to answer all your questions and to help you get the beautiful, clear skin you have always wanted. Don’t wait another day!